Hi! I am Katie. My story has more than can fit in this box…. when we work together we can chat some more about it but you can read a little about it below.

The cliff note version:

I grew up a swimmer with a busy life going to school 40 minutes from my house and swimming at least twice a day in high school. Meals were often quick and on the go because of my schedule. Fast forward to college where I continued my swimming career while pursuing my 5 year masters program. Many meals were on the go and processed cafeteria food because it was easy. My fifth year of college, I continued to swim, work in a school all day, coach swimming, and tried to have a life ( I am exhausted just typing that). I continued to eat the quickest and “healthiest foods” while trying to get the most done. The year I graduated I transitioned into teaching my own classroom and my on the go life continued and became even more hectic. I was eating what I thought was healthy, working out, running my stress away, and in retrospect under-fueling. After working myself sick and depleting my body, I had a journey of building it back, hearing from many people there was nothing wrong with me……hello lack of vitamins and minerals. It is still a work in progress but I have learned so much.

The journey of nutrients, food, and being active is A LOT. Let me help you out to find a supportive and lasting lifestyle for you.

I believe that your body is equipped with what it needs to function and perform optimally. You might just need a sprinkle of support along the way to help balance return. This is what we will work on together. We will work on incorporating real whole foods vs. processed foods into your diet to help support you day to day, your athletic goals, and work life. Personally incorporating healing with food into my life I have found help and relief from

-low energy levels

-acid reflux


- hormonal imbalances

*Results are not guaranteed. I do not treat or diagnose. This is not medical information.